Monday, May 20, 2013

Herbert Marcuse

In this reflexive work I'm going to tell you why i chose Herbert Marcuse, we remember that he came from the Frankfurt school of critical theory, he was known for his theorization of the effects of capitalism and modern technology.I picked up this author because it’s important for the development of social sciences.

I think it was a good presentation, but the short length in time didn´t let me explain the depth of the author´s proposal. Despite that, I think that the presentation had a good structure but if I had to change something i would talk less about the author´s life, and more about his intellectual work.

The most interesting part of the author’s theory is the mixture of a mind theory and an economic one, because normally these are studied in separate ways, when you analyze society in separately  you can’t understand in depth the advanced industrial society because as Marcuse says, people recognizes themselves in their commodities, they find their soul in their belongings, then if you see this in separate ways, you can´t really understand the problem, because all social interactions has economic influences.

These are my thoughts on my presentation, I hope you've enjoyed it in class, I'll see you there and wish you a happy long weekend.