Saturday, July 27, 2013

School kills creativity

Just like Robinson I think the school kills creativity in children.

The current educational system is a normalization process in which the desire is create equal subjects equally useful for the neoliberal capitalist system in which we live.
Those children, who are medicated because they cannot be 8 hours a day sitting still and quiet, are not sick, they only have personalities and ways of being that are not compatible with the current educational system. In my opinion children are not sick, but sickened by not letting them manifest their approach on life, by not letting them express who they really are, not what others want them to be.

Comes into my mind that phrase that says: "Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it’ll spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."This sentence describes the current educational system, the PSU test as a form of entry to college is a test that measures" certain types of intelligence ", but the important thing is that it leaves out a universe of capabilities and intelligences that can not be measured on a standardized test.

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